First i have set up an array for each of the three characters so that i can change a menu to fit their own attacks if you click on them in battle
Next i need code that will implement each of these arrays  into the text box when the characters are clicked.
COntinuing work on the Starblazers RPG

ive started by trying top get the basic battle system working.  for starters ive made three characters

Venture - green
Wildstar - red
Nova - yellow

The ship they are fighting will be the blue box when i get around to getting it working.  But for now im starting with the characters.
Finally, the code to make the menu appear.  I followed a little of a tutorial, but it wasnt quite what i needed, it was for a screen that would allow you to pause and such, it wasnt meant for in game selections. 
There is something wrong with my code, i think individually it all works but that there is something about event order i dont understand.  I need to consult poeple who are more familiar with construct.  Im pretty sure im supposed to have one of my functions looping to make this work but im not sure what.
Construct 2 screen cap
(with place holder art from the series)
FInally decided on a theme and program for my RPG game that i intend to make
Starblazers Space battle RPG
I have chosen to use COnstruct 2. I looked at several RPG makers but all of them seem rather limited and force you to stay in set formats.  Initial programming for just the basic game play shouldnt be to hard anyways so i feel comfortable that i can make my own initial battle sequence even without things like RPG Maker
The initial battles will be based with all the crew in the control room of the yamato.  Characters will have have varying powers based on their jobs in the series.  for now all im going to try and tackle is this fighting mechanic (as seen in the construct image above)  but as i finish more i want to expand it more to the RPG aspects where you level up your party, choose which crew members to battle with, and even a world map.  But first things first.  In the long run i think construct to will give me more of the feature editing freedom i want.

Also i havent decided yet on the art style.  if i have time i might model out the bridge in 3D and render out 2D images.  For right now as place holders i am using screencaps from the show.
First day back, the team discussed changes to the lighting and gameplay
  • levels need to be redesigned - in multiple segment or "worlds"  with art matching each
  • lighting from the mushrooms need to modify the color of the scene around it
  • lighting needs to have a cap instead of blow out the scene
This week i have modified the smoothing groups on all our rocks and started playing with a more painterly texture for them. 
Experiments we did in class looked quite attractive and in style for the game, but we will have to tweek textures more to get the same effect as our tests actually in game on our assets.  We need to make sure the saturation of color is maintained for each emissive asset so that we can keep the color play as seen in the picture to theleft